Optometrists & Eye Care Specialists in Glendale, CA

There are 8878 practicing Optometrists & Eye Care providers in all specialties in Glendale, CA. Looking for a specific specialty? Choose from 4 different specialties by clicking the specialty link the the sidebar to the right.

Click an Optometrist or Eye Care Provider below to view addresses, phone numbers, reviews, and more.


Dr. Allan C Drexl Phone, Address, & Info in Glendale, CA
Dr. Allan C Drexl
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Allison H. Park Phone, Address, & Info in Glendale, CA
Dr. Allison H. Park
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrew Babayan Phone, Address, & Info in Glendale, CA
Dr. Andrew Babayan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Anifa Avakian Phone, Address, & Info in Glendale, CA
Anifa Avakian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Ani Halabi Khroyan Phone, Address, & Info in Glendale, CA
Dr. Ani Halabi Khroyan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Arlene Tania Yepremian Phone, Address, & Info in Glendale, CA
Dr. Arlene Tania Yepremian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Betty Wai-Han Lee-Villanueva Phone, Address, & Info in Glendale, CA
Dr. Betty Wai-Han Lee-Villanueva
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Arlene Tania Yepremian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Betty Wai-Han Lee-Villanueva
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Bruce Allen Hornstein
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Carol H Lee
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Carolyn C Wang
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Cathy Linh Nguyen
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Crystal Minhee Kim
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. David Lawrence Turetsky
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Dennis T. Sugiyama
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Dikran Wanes Sarkis
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Dr. Domenic Colabella
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Donald E. Teagle, Od
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Donald Edward Teagle
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mr. Douglas Ebbink
Specialty: Optician
Dr. Movses D'janbatian, Od, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mr. Duane A Decroupet
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Emelia Petrossian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Emetisse Yazdanmehr
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Esther Chung
Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation
Eunice Kim
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Frank P. Anesi
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Glendale Optometric Center
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Glendale Optometry
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Greta Torossian, Optometric Corp.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Greta Torossian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Hamlet Minasvand
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Hannah Yeh
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Ida A Sarajian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jeffrey Teruo Nishi
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
John Akamatsu, O.D., Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
John J. Mielke, O.D. Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
John J. Mileke, Od, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. John Akamatsu
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
John J. Mielke
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Leon Hoffman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mr. Levon Avakian
Specialty: Optician
Lilit Yesayan Od Professional Corporation
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Lilit Yesayan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
M2a Inc (Optical Eyes)
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Maia J Budnero
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Modern Optometry
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Movses D'janbatian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Rachel Chingyin Wu
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Robert Harold Teaglesr.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Ronald V. Black
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sandy Nguyen
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Shakeh J Bagdassar
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Ms. Sima Tabanfar
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. S Greg Panosian
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Stacey T. Gin
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Toros Sarkissian
Specialty: Optician
Dr. Truc Chi Ngoc Dang
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Victoria Voros
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Yaritza Muniz Flores
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Yeranui Erin Gezukarayan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)