A-1 Value Optical

NPI# 1356407308 - A-1 Value Optical is an optician located in Mountain View, CA. See phone, address, & other relevant info below.

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Contact Information

(650) 964-2020
(650) 964-2021
Business Address:
2031 W El Camino Real
Mountain View, CA 94040-2217 US
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Optometrist Information

NPI Number: 1356407308
Gender: N/A
Sole Proprietor? N/A
Part of another organization? No
Parent Organization Name: N/A
Date Added: 12/27/2006
Profile Last Updated: 6/13/2008


A-1 Value Optical's specialties include:

  • Optician (CA) - An optician is a specialized eye care practitioner who designs, fits and dispenses lenses to correct a person's vision. Opticians determine the specifications of various ophthalmic devices that will give correct a person's eyesight. Some registered or licensed Opticians design and fit specialized appliances to correct cosmetic, traumatic or physical defects. Other registered or licensed Opticians may also design and manufacture lenses as well as spectacle frames and other devices.

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